
Excessive lipoperoxidation is accompanied by accumulation of peroxidation products and depletion of antioxidant re-serves, which cause hyperenzymemia and the accumulation of toxic substances. The level of endotoxicosis is determined by the content of hydrophilic and hydrophobic products in the blood. To define the pathogenetic role of endogenous intoxication in the dynamics of development of experimental periodontitis of bacterial-immune genesis. The experiment was conducted on rats. The animals were divided into three groups: group 1 - control group/intact; group 2 - model periodontitis at 7 days; group 3 - model periodontitis at 30 days. The experimental bacterial-immune periodon-titis was induced by injection into the tissue of the periodontal complex of the microorganisms' mixture diluted with egg's albumin. For the study, we selected the blood serum in which the content of middle molecular weight molecules and erythrocyte intoxication index were determined. The results were statistically analyzed by means of non-parametric indices methods. The development of generalized periodontitis is characterized by the occurrence of oxidative stress, which leads to violation of the metabolism in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity resulting in the accumulation of toxic products and the development of endogenous intoxication. The results show that the content of middle molecular weight molecules (aromatic amino and chain amino acids) determined on day 7 of the experiment was 1.11 times higher than that of the control group (p<0.01) and by 1.16 times (p<0.01), respectively. Comparing the levels of the above hydrophilic components of endogenous intoxication at 30 days of experimental peri-odontitis, we found a probable increase in these indicators compared with those at 7 days of the experiment. Studying the level of eryth-rocyte intoxication index, we found that at 7 days of experimental periodontitis this index was 1.28 times higher (p<0.01) than that of the intact group and continued to increase at 30 days. The dynamics of experimental periodontitis of bacterial-immune genesis show that the highest rates of endogenous intoxication are found in the late stages of the dynamics of the inflammatory process in the periodontium, namely at 30 days of the experiment, which may indicate chronic inflammation.

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