
The absorptive epithelium of the trophotaeniae of goodeid embryos is involved in the micropinocytotic uptake of protein macromolecules from the ovarian embryotrophe. Incubations of viable Xenoophorus captivus embryos in vitro with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and/or cationized ferritin (CF) allows the tracing of the fluid-phase and receptor-mediated pathways, respectively. Effects of lowered temperature on both these endocytotic mechanisms have been investigated. At 10° C, trophotaenial absorptive cells (TACs) have a strong capacity to ingest marker proteins from double tracer media. Surface-bound ligands (CF) and solutes (HRP), taken up in primary pinocytic vesicles, are rapidly channelled to the endosomal compartment. Part of the ingested CF is segregated into dense apical tubules and small vesicles indicating that membrane recycling and transcytosis continue at 10° C. Adsorptive endocytosis of CF at 5° C proceeds at a decreased rate. After incubation periods of 30 min and 1 h, tracer molecules can be found in vesicular, tubular and vacuolar compartments of the apical endocytic zone. At 0° C, no uptake of ligand worth mentioning could be ascertained. Fluid-phase endocytosis, on the other hand, is observable at this temperature. Enzyme reaction product accumulates in flattened vacuoles rather than typical voluminous endosomes. After prolonged exposure to HRP, the epithelial junctional complex becomes leaky and the marker protein penetrates the intercellular space and the lateral lamellar membrane invaginations of TACs.

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