
In modern times, common man uses small computing devices like mobile phones, RFID systems and embedded systems. Such devices are resource constrained. Hence, algorithms used in such devices must consume less power and should have minimal memory requirements. But, several existing cryptosystems like RSA require more memory and other resources for operation. So, in the proposed work an optimized and secure encryption scheme is developed to ensure confidentiality in communication. This algorithm is developed with reference to Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme (ECIES) included in standards from ANSI, IEEE, and also ISO/IEC and is integrated with the concept of hyperelliptic curve cryptography (HECC). The proposed encryption scheme based on HECC makes use of three cryptographic functions viz. key agreement, encryption/decryption algorithms and message authentication code (MAC). The key agreement function generates a l-bit secret key. For this, the existing Diffie Hellman Key Agreement Algorithm is improved suitably so as to defend Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack. The encryption/decryption mechanism is developed by improving the RC4 algorithm. The proposed scheme integrates the concept of hyperelliptic curves with the key stream generation process. Finally, the paper presents a proposal for MAC based on HECC.

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