
The Aceh region is a province where the majority of the people are Muslim. Islam entered and developed in Aceh through preaching by Arab merchants. Islam is the majority religion for the people of Aceh, and since the founding of the Samudra Pasai kingdom, the second Islamic kingdom in Aceh has been marked by Islam as political power in Aceh. The variety of Islamic culture develops in society, one of which is the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. The Maulid Celebration in Kemukiman Bambi, Peukan Baro District, Pidie Regency has a different nuance to maulid celebrations in other regions. The implementation of Maulid starts from preparing meals and meals at people's homes, commonly called Bue Kulah (rice wrapped in leaves), Idang Meulapeuh (multilevel dishes) brought to Meunasah to be eaten together with residents, orphans and guests from other Mukim. Then it was continued with Meudikee Maulud (praying to the Prophet) and Islamic preaching at night. The purpose of this study is to describe the tradition of implementing the Prophet Muhammad's birthday in Pidie District in Aceh Province, to find out what factors encourage and hinder the tradition of commemorating the Prophet Muhammad's birthday in the community in Pidie District, and what symbols and meanings are contained in the commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad's birthday. SAW in the community in Pidie Regency. The research method is qualitative, the research sample is Tgk. Imum Mukim, ulama and adat, Gampong Geuchik and women leaders. Based on the results of the research, it can be explained that the tradition of carrying out the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad in Aceh and the Bambi Settlement has started since Islam developed in Aceh, the process of implementation is through community deliberations in determining the maulid. The implementation of the maulid consists of several stages, namely the preparation of Bue Kulah, Idang Meulapeeh, eating together, Meudikee, and Da'wah Islamiyah. The implementation of the maulid starts in the month from 12 Wednesdayul Awal to the beginning of Jumadil Akhir. The factors that encourage people to carry out the maulid are a form of gratitude, evidence of religious adherence, togetherness and the spirit of mutual cooperation. The occupational factors are economic factors, and differences of opinion in the celebration of the birthday. The symbol in this study is Bue Kulah (rice smoked with banana leaves and a cone shape). Idang Meulapeh is a dish arranged in a tray brought to Meunasah. The yellow ija (cloth color) symbolizes greatness.

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