
This study positions itself in the current sociopolitical landscape of the Quichuaspeaking communities in Chimborazo Province, in the central highlands of Ecuador. These communities are striving to revitalize their local identities as peasant communities living near Chimborazo volcano. The article presents a proposal for assessing the heritage value of at least three archaeological sites identified by the author using prospection and excavation techniques between 2012 and 2016. It also seeks to further the dissemination of the results of archaeological work at the sites, both among the indigenous people living nearby and among local government entities, the Catholic church and tourism operators (from now on referred to as stakeholders). The study aims to identify the most efficient, socially inclusive, long-term sustainable mechanisms to guarantee the protection, care and management of the cultural heritage of the archaeological sites discovered near Chimborazo volcano. It also proposes that the category cultural landscape should be applied to Chimborazo volcano in order to create a new framework for natural and cultural resources administration.

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