
This paper briefly reviews the historical development of ideas and methodology in mineral exploration. First came the period of empirical prospecting, when experienced field prospectors searched for ore outcrops and ore alteration with the naked eye. This was a period of `direct prospecting'. Since evidence directly from ore itself is the most reliable, the record of success of this period has never been surpassed. After most of the ore outcrops on the land surface were discovered (this is especially the case in developed countries), prospectors were at a loss to discriminate concealed mineralization. Geology and geophysics enable us to study the evolution of ore deposits to predict concealed mineralization by delineating the most favorable ore-forming conditions and environments. Thus we entered into a period of blended conceptual and technological exploration. This is essentially a period of indirect exploration in which geological modeling and inference are taking the lead. Now we are capable of detecting extremely faint signals or information coming directly from deep concealed mineralizations with a sensitivity of n×10 −7 (parts per billions) to n×10 −11 (parts per tenths of trillions) of metal contents. Meanwhile the reliability of geology and geophysics in discriminating the most favorable ore-forming environments have also been greatly improved. This makes it possible to foresee an emerging period of information exploration. The defining characteristic of this period will be a far greater mass of information, especially direct information, generated from deep concealed mineralizations and obtained at every stage of exploration, from strategic reconnaissance for reducing targets to tactical surveying to pinpoint drill sites. Mineral exploration will be greatly freed of uncertainty and multi-interpretation and will evolve into a more exact engineering science. More information will do no harm to imagination and intuition, nor lessen the role of conceptual approaches in mineral exploration. On the contrary, it will spur new thinking and open broader fields for creativity.

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