
A facility has been constructed for studying supersonic flows of hot gases. The facility used an inductively coupled RF plasma torch to increase the stagnation temperature of nitrogen to approximately 4700 K. The gas then flowed through a converging nozzle (4.9 mm diameter throat) and exhausted into a water-cooled test section as an under-expanded, supersonic jet. The high stagnation temperature resulted in the excitation of electronic states and the formation of PPM levels of ions (in particular, N2+) in the jet flow. Emission from the (0,0) bandhead of the N2+ first negative system (B2 Sigma u+-X2 Sigma g+) at 3914.4 AA was used to locate the boundaries of the jet. The rotationally resolved spectra of the (0,0) band were examined using both radiative emission and laser-induced fluorescence in order to measure rotational temperatures in the flow. A comparison was made between the measured flow field properties and those predicted by a method of characteristics (MOC) solution.

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