
Among the sources of Roman jurisprudence comparatively little place is taken by epigraphic texts. Apart from several exceptions (e.g. Ulpian, Salvius Julianus), there are no epigraphic sources, mostly sepulchral inscriptions, related to lawyers whose work provided the foundation for Justinian’s Digest . Small inscriptions are found in the provinces, where lawyers were probably held in deeper reverence by local communities. Some inscriptions highlight state positions occupied by a given jurist, rather than his scientific achievement (e.g. Pactumeius Clemens). It seems that the greatest monument to classical jurists was set up by Emperor Justinian as he quoted fragments of their writings along with the name of the jurist and the title of the work from which the excerpt was taken. Although little can be learned about them from epigraphic texts and their tombstones no longer exist, their work eventuated in monuments more permanent than those made of stone or bronze – legal thought which turned into the foundation of modern dogmatics of private law and European legal culture.


  • Among the sources of Roman jurisprudence comparatively little place is taken by epigraphic texts

  • Small inscriptions are found in the provinces, where lawyers were probably held in deeper reverence by local communities

  • Some inscriptions highlight state positions occupied by a given jurist, rather than his scientific achievement (e.g. Pactumeius Clemens)

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Salvius Julianus) brakuje źródeł epigraficznych, zwłaszcza inskrypcji nagrobkowych, odnoszących się do uczonych prawników, których dzieła stały się podstawą opracowania justyniańskich Digestów. Że był i czuł się obywatelem rzymskim we wspólnej ojczyźnie – Roma communis nostra patria est[7]. Kontrowersje w nauce wzbudziły natomiast teksty epigraficzne odnoszące się do innego klasycznego jurysty – Salwiusza Juliana (Salvius Julianus).

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