
Construction of neural chimeras between quail and chick embryos has been employed since 1969 when the unique nucleolar structure of the quail nucleus and its use to devise a cell marking technique by associating quail and chick cells in ovo were described in the "Bulletin Biologique de la France et de la Belgique." This method was first applied to the ontogeny of the neural crest, a structure whose development involves extensive cell migration, and, since 1984, to that of the central nervous system (CNS). This chapter highlights some of the most significant findings provided by this approach concerning the CNS, such as (i) demonstration of the common origin of the floor plate and notochord from a group of cells localized in the "organizer", i.e., Hensen's node, and the way in which these two structures become positioned respectively within and under the neural tube during gastrulation and neurulation in Amniotes; (ii) the neural crest origin of the skull vault and the facial and hypobranchial skeleton. This means that the mesodermal contribution to the skull is limited to the occipital and otic regions and extends only to the rostral limit of the notochord. A correlation can be drawn between the development of the telencephalon and the mesectodermally derived skull in the vertebrate phylum; (iii) demonstration that the midbrain-hindbrain junction, at the stage of the encephalic vesicles, acts as an organizing center for tectal and cerebellar structures. This function was correlated with the activity of several developmental genes, thus providing insight into their function during neurogenesis; (iv) the pattern of morphogenetic movements and cell migration taking place in defined brain-to-be areas, as well as the origin of various cell types of nervous tissues; and (v) a new avenue for studying brain localization of either behavioral traits or genetically encoded brain disorders.

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