
This study aims to reveal the phenomenon of presence / absence of anomalies in the early development of Mimi-giant mintuno (Tachypleus gigas) during artificial incubation in the vial bottles. Samples 5 eggs are fertilized incorporated into transparent 50 bottles and vials each filled with clear sea water medium. Embryonic stages (instars) hatch, bottles marked, then dumped seawater medium was replaced with 4% formalin solution and glycerin amount of 5% by volume, up to ¾ of the total volume of the vial bottles. Standard stages of giant Mimi-mintuno embryonic normal development Mimi-mintuno according to Itow (1988). The description type of anomalies contained in the post-hatching embryo development. The observations are documented in the form of stereo-microphotograph. The results showed that there are forms anomalies: (a). Delayed development, the structure of the body is not perfect; (b). In observation of the embryo hatches, open shell and egg perivitelline membrane has been opened but delayed development, the structure of the body is not perfect; (c). Embryos after hatched perfectly, abnormalities of morphologic structure such as abnormal protrusion on the dorsal carapace part found. Keywords: Tachypleus gigas, artificially, incubation


  • This study aims to reveal the phenomenon of presence / absence of anomalies in the early development of Mimi-giant mintuno (Tachypleus gigas) during artificial incubation in the vial bottles

  • The results showed that there are forms anomalies: (a)

  • Effect of salinity on larval growth of horseshoe crab, Tachypleus gigas (Müller), Current Science, Vol 87, No 2, 25 July 2004

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EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENTAL ANOMALY IDENTIFICATION OF GIANT MIMIMINTUNO (Tachupleus gigas) DURING ARTIFICIAL INCUBATION PERIOD IN THE VIAL BOTTLES. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap fenomena ada/tidaknya anomali pada perkembangan awal Mimi-mintuno raksasa (Tachypleus gigas) selama inkubasi artifisial (artificial incubation) dalam botol vial. Sampel telur-telur Tachypleus gigas fertil 5 butir dimasukkan ke dalam botol-botol vial transparan 50 botol dan masing-masing diisi dengan media air laut yang jernih. Tahap embrio (instar) menetas, botol-botol diberi tanda, kemudian media air laut dibuang digantikan dengan larutan formalin 4 % dan gliserin sejumlah 5 % volume, hingga mencapai volume total 3⁄4 bagian botol vial. Penelitian mendeskripsikan jenis anomali yang terdapat dalam perkembangan pasca menetas embrio. Cangkang terbuka dan selaput perivitelline telur sudah membuka namun mengalami keterlambatan perkembangan, struktur tubuh belum sempurna; (c). Struktur tubuh ada kelainan morfologik berupa tonjolan tidak normal pada bagian karapaks bagian dorsal

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