
Ommastrephidae are the most important commercial fishery group among cephalopods. However, little is known about their embryonic development. This article provides details of embryonic development observed in three ommastrephids: Ommastrephes bartramii, Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis, and Eucleoteuthis luminosa. All embryos were obtained through artificial fertilization conducted onboard the research vessel Kaiyo Maru during a cruise around the Hawaiian Islands in December 2013. The embryonic and paralarval stages of O. bartramii are explained in detail. The hatchling stages were compared between all three species, as well as with information on Illex argentinus hatchlings from the literature. The species-specific effects of the oviducal gland powder on chorion expansion were analyzed. The results indicated that the overall chemical nature of the oviducal gland was species specific, although the inducer of chorion expansion was the same across species. In addition, treatment with oviducal gland jelly induced partial parthenogenesis in the early stages of embryonic development through the expansion of the perivitelline space and blastodisc formation.

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