
AbstractIn the 1950s, Carlos Rusconi reported the biostratigraphically important Furongian trilobites Elvinia Walcott and Irvingella Ulrich and Resser from an exotic limestone block (La Cruz Olistolith) of the San Isidro area, Precordillera of Mendoza, western Argentina. Although several local species were erected by Rusconi at that time, most of them were later listed as junior synonyms of E. roemeri (Shumard) or I. major Ulrich and Resser, and this was followed in subsequent studies. A systematic revision of all the available specimens of Elvinia and Irvingella from the Rusconi collection at the Museo de Ciencias Naturales y Antropológicas J.C. Moyano (Mendoza) is provided herein. The occurrence of E. roemeri is supported by the present study, while the associated Irvingella species include I. jorusconii Rusconi, I. platycephala Rusconi, and Irvingella sp. The latter represent “advanced” forms in terms of morphological development in the Irvingella lineage, and these, together with E. roemeri, are typical of the uppermost part of the Elvinia Zone (uppermost Steptoean). Irvingella jorusconii, I. platycephala, and Irvingella sp. appear to be endemic to the Argentinian Precordillera, but are related to species from central Texas and northwest Canada.

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