
Advanced analytical techniques were performed on four South African coals, three noncoking and one coking, containing different maceral contributions (vitrinite contents ranging between 24 and 66 vol %, m.m.f.b.). Inertinite-rich (INY, UMZ) and vitrinite-rich (G#5 and TSH) coals were investigated to quantify differences and similarities in structural properties. Coals from the Witbank region (INY, UMZ, and G#5) have similar carbon contents (79.2–83.8 wt % d.a.f.), in contrast to a carbon content of 90.8 wt % (d.a.b.) for coal TSH. The free swelling index (FSI) indicated that the Witbank coals were noncoking while TSH was strongly coking. Solid state nuclear magnetic resonance indicated that the vitrinite-rich (65.9 vol % m.m.f.b.), higher rank (1.23 RoV %) coal TSH was more aromatic (81%) and more polycondensed than the other three coals. Coal G#5 was the least aromatic (66%) and was characterized by its larger proportion of protonated aliphatics as compared to the other coals. Coals UMZ, INY, and G#5 had...

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