
Extensions of the standard model often come with additional, possibly electroweakly charged Higgs states, the prototypal example being the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model. While collider phenomenology does not exclude the possibility for some of these new scalar fields to be light, it is relatively natural to consider masses in the multi-TeV range, in which case the only remaining light Higgs boson automatically receives SM-like properties. The appearance of a hierarchy between the new-physics states and the electroweak scale then leads to sizable electroweak corrections, e. g. in the decays of the heavy Higgs bosons, which are dominated by effects of infrared type, namely Sudakov logarithms. Such radiative contributions obviously affect the two-body decays, but should also be paired with the radiation of electroweak gauge bosons (or lighter Higgs bosons) for a consistent picture at the one-loop order. Resummation of the leading terms is also relatively easy to achieve. We re-visit these questions in the specific case of the fermionic decays of heavy Higgs particles in the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, in particular pointing out the consequences of the three-body final states for the branching ratios of the heavy scalars.


  • We specialize in the decays of heavy Higgs bosons in the particular case of the NMSSM, our analysis can be extended to any other model including additional Higgs states, in particular models based on a Two

  • The appearance of a hierarchy between the new-physics states and the electroweak scale leads to sizable electroweak corrections, e. g. in the decays of the heavy Higgs bosons, which are dominated by effects of infrared type, namely Sudakov logarithms

  • Focusing on the specific case of fermionic decays in the NMSSM, we have shown that such contributions are dominated by effects of IR type, namely Sudakov double logarithms, which could have a sizable impact on the magnitude of the two-body decay widths

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Two-body decay width

We already described our full one-loop implementation of the two-body fermionic decays of neutral Higgs bosons in Ref. [60]. We discard this term, keeping only a squared one-loop amplitude for those contributions that are not proportional to the tree-level term (and subleading in the channels that we are considering) In this one-loop evaluation of the two-body fermionic decays of heavy Higgs bosons, several pieces of the radiative corrections beyond the QCD and QED contributions can matter, in general. Over the external legs – where I , Y , Q represent the isospin, hypercharge and electric charge of the external state, tw and sw denote the tangent and sine of the electroweak mixing angle; the Q2 term subtracts the QED contribution that is considered separately The reason why this formula fails is that one of the (electroweakly charged) external states, the Higgs line, is massive, determining the center-of-mass energy. In our ‘on-shell’ definition and with the renormalization scale of the loop functions set to mt ∼ MZ (following the prescriptions of FeynHiggs), we obtain the following terms for the decays of doublet states (neglecting Yτ2): SL

Yb2 ln
Real radiation
Numerical analysis
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