
The electrophysiological response of chemoreceptor neurones from the antennal chaetoid taste sensilla of the omnivorous ground beetle Pterostichus oblongopunctatus to several plant alkaloids and glucosides is investigated. A quinine‐sensitive neurone responding to quinine and quinine hydrochloride is found, most probably related to the granivorous feeding habit of P. oblongopunctatus. The response to quinine hydrochloride is concentration‐dependent at 0.001–50 mm, with the response threshold at 0.01 mm and a maximum rate of firing of 67 spikes/s at 50 mm. The stimulatory effect of caffeine is very weak, where the firing rate increases by only 1.4 spikes/s at a concentration of 10 mm compared with that evoked by a control stimulus. In addition, both quinine and quinine hydrochloride strongly inhibit spike production by the salt‐ and pH‐sensitive neurones when presented in mixtures with 10 mm NaCl. Several tested plant secondary compounds (i.e. salicin, sinigrin, caffeine and nicotine), which have only little or no effect on the firing rate of the quinine‐sensitive neurone, greatly reduce the responses of the salt‐ and pH‐sensitive neurones. The results of the present study suggest that the antennal taste sensilla of P. oblongopunctatus may detect plant defensive compounds both through the activation of a quinine‐sensitive neurone and via peripheral inhibition of other chemoreceptor neurones of the taste sensillum.

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