
This report presents an adult patient with conversion of typical to atypical atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) after slow pathway ablation. Application of radiofrequency energy (3 times) in the posteroseptal region changed the pattern of the atrioventricular (AV) node conduction curve from discontinuous to continuous, but did not change the continuous retrograde conduction curve. After ablation of the slow pathway, atrial extrastimulation induced atypical AVNRT. During tachycardia, the earliest atrial activation site changed from the His bundle region to the coronary sinus ostium. One additional radiofrequency current applied 5 mm upward from the initial ablation site made atypical AVNRT noninducible. These findings suggest that the mechanism of atypical AVNRT after slow pathway ablation is antegrade fast pathway conduction along with retrograde conduction through another slow pathway connected with the ablated antegrade slow pathway at a distal site. The loss of concealed conduction over the antegrade slow pathway may play an important role in the initiation of atypical AVNRT after slow pathway ablation.

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