
Abstract Two cultivars of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), cold-tolerant Vernal and cold-sensitive Sonora, were grown under summer, winter, and dehardening conditions to determine the solubility characteristics and relationships of several dehydrogenases to cold tolerance. Soluble enzymatic proteins, extracted with three extractants, from lyophilized crown and root tissues, were separated by polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis. Gels assayed for glutamate, NAD-malate, NADP-malate, isocitrate, lactate, 6-phosphogluconate, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenases showed quantitative differences in isoenzymes that were influenced by cultivar, extractant, and environmental differences. For both cultivars, enzyme activity was lowest during summer, increased in winter, and decreased during dehardening. Dehydrogenase activity, therefore, was closely associated with the fluctuations in soluble protein concentration, which were related to environmental changes and cold tolerance. Additional isoenzymes of isocitrate, lactate, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenases were detected in the winter samples of both cultivars; however, most of the qualitative differences observed were generally due to the differential solubilities of isoenzymes in the three extractants. Comparison of data obtained from the use of frozen and unfrozen extracts indicated differential stabilities of the dehydrogenases to freezing in the different extractants. Glutamate, NAD-malate, and NADP-malate dehydrogenases were fairly stable to freezing whereas isocitrate, lactate, 6-phosphogluconate, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenases were labile. Detectable levels of the latter dehydrogenases in frozen extracts were evident only in certain extracts of winter samples, indicating the importance of the nature of the extraction medium in protecting against enzyme denaturation. Since both cultivars showed similar changes in dehydrogenase activities at most times, the increased enzyme levels during winter coincided with increased levels of soluble protein and soluble sugars, which are indicative of the broad spectrum of metabolic changes involved in the attainment of the cold-tolerant state.

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