
In 1966 and 1967 many long-lived streams of low-energy solar electrons and protons were observed near Earth. These streams were sometimes associated with bright flares which occurred many hours earlier and sometimes no individual flare could be found. In the latter case the particles are evidently to be associated in a general way with solar active centers as Fan et al. (1968) have done. The long-lived solar events discussed here include energetic storm particles, delayed events and fluxes associated with solar active regions. It is suggested here that these are all probably the same basic phenomena viewed in somewhat different ways depending on the age of the region and its location on the solar disc. These events are usually associated with a depression in the sea-level neutron intensity and one or more sudden commencements or sudden impulses. Both electrons and protons are present in these events but in several cases electrons were not detected. The most unusual feature is that when both particle species are present, the electron flux is centered several hours before the proton flux.

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