
The features of the electronic structure of Yb4d, N1s, C1s, O1s, Br3d core levels and the valence band of ytterbium metalloporphyrins Yb(acac)TPPBr8, Yb(acac)TPP, TPPBr8, and TPP are studied by photoelectron spectroscopy. The position and structure of the Yb4f level for Yb(acac)TPPBr8 are determined by resonant photoemission at the BESSY-II synchrotron center. Simulations of the electronic structure of the valence band show good agreement between the calculated and experimental data. The change in the electronic structure of porphyrins during implantation of the central atom of ytterbium, namely, a more uniform redistribution of the electron density between nitrogen atoms of pyrrole and aza groups, is revealed. The photoelectron spectra of Yb4d states demonstrate the trivalent metal state (Yb3+) in rare-earth metalloporphyrins. The partial destruction of bromine ytterbium tetraphenylporphyrin compound as a result of thermal action is demonstrated.

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