
The electronic quasiparticle energy spectrum of a ferromagnetic thin film is investigated within the framework of the s—f model. Exact results are derived for the special situation of a single electron in an otherwise empty energy band being exchange coupled to a ferromagnetically ordered localized spin system (EuO, EuS). While the up-spin spectrum does not show any striking correlation effects, the down-spin spectrum is non-trivial due to different kinds of spin exchange processes. Repeated emission and reabsorption of a magnon by the ↓-electron can result in an effective electron—magnon attraction giving rise to a polaron-like quasiparticle (‘magnetic polaron’). Direct emission of a magnon by the ↓-electron without reabsorption produces a rather broad ‘scattering part’ in the spectral density. We assume a.s.c. film consisting of n layers parallel to the (1 0 0) surface. The mutual influence of correlation effects and the reduced symmetry of the film is worked out in detail by inspecting spectral densities and local quasiparticle densities of states.

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