
An attempt was made to study the subcellular localization of calcium in carotid body glomus cells of adult rats using fixation with glutaraldehyde followed by treatment with a mixture of pyroantimonate and osmium tetroxide. Precipitates were seen as electron-dense particles (EDP) in the glomus cells, mostly within membrane-bound organelles, such as dense-cored vesicles, mitochondria, small clear vesicles, multivesicular bodies, and especially in lysosomes. However, EDP were also seen in the nuclei and in the free cytoplasm of the glomus cells and even outside them. Preincubation of carotid bodies in media containing calcium and either high potassium or calcium-ionophore A 23187 resulted in a marked increase in the general precipitation pattern, there being an increased amount of EDP both in the glomus cell nuclei and in the cytoplasm. Dense-cored vesicles more often showed precipitates than those in the controls. Some dense-cored vesicles contained multiple precipitates, typically located in the electron-lucent area between core and vesicle membrane. Extensive diffusion of ions probably occurred during fixation before precipitation, making the localization of calcium and other precipitating cations unreliable. However, it is possible that precipitates, which were regularly seen in the dense-cored vesicles, may reflect the content of bound calcium. The possible significance of calcium in glomus cell function is discussed, and the need for more adequate methods is emphasized.

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