
Abstract The images of domain walls in thin sections of cobalt, produced by the Fresnel mode of Lorentz electron microscopy, have been calculated by wave-optical theory. Using a single 180° wall model of the object the image has been calculated for various values of θ, where θ is the angle between the domain magnetization and the surface of the specimen. An object consisting of a periodic array of walls has also been considered and the image calculated for θ=π/2. In this case, for specific values of defocusing distance it is possible to obtain the phase transmission function of the object as a simple function of the intensity in the image. Qualitative comparison of the experimental images of domain walls in cobalt crystals is made with those obtained by theory for 0<θ≤π/2. Quantitative comparison of theory and experiment for θ=0 enables the domain wall widths to be determined. The wall widths are compared with theoretical estimates.

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