
SUMMARY A natural-source electromagnetic sounding of the earth made near a surface conductivity anomaly will resolve different features of the underlying conductivity structure than a sounding in a more uniform region. the surface-conductivity anomaly deflects horizontal electric currents induced by an external source into a vertical plane converting transverse-electric (TE) mode currents into the transverse (TM) mode. the resulting current distribution involves both vertical current flow and spatial variations with shorter wavelengths than the external field, providing increased resolution of resistive layers and of the conductivity structure at shallow depths. We exmine the sensitivity of the converted-mode response for the vertical-gradient sounding (VGS) method in order to plan electromagnetic soundings in a narrow ocean strait such as the Strait of Georgia between Vancouver Island and the Canadian mainland. An integral-equation method is used to model the current system induced by a mode converter, consisting of a known conductivity structure, such as a body of ocean water. It is shown that the depth of penetration of the secondary current distribution produced by the mode converter depends on both the horizontal scale of the feature and the distance from its edge. Within this depth range the current system is strongly perturbed by the existence of either conductive or resistive layers. the sensitivity of the VGS response (the ratio of the horizontal magnetic field at the base and surface of the mode converter) is examined using forward modelling of layered conductivity structures. the response is found to be dependent on both the TE and TM current systems. For a narrow ocean strait such as the Strait of Georgia, a measurement of the converted-mode VGS response along a line of sites on the floor of the strait, will provide resolution of conductive and resistive layers in the upper 10 km. the appropriate frequency range over which the VGS response should be measured in the strait is 10−2 Hz to 10 Hz. In our investigation of mode conversion we examine both the frequency- and time-domain response. Snap shots showing the current system evolving in the earth after a step or impulse illustrate the interaction of the EM signals with resistive and conductive layers. We show that the time-domain response can be used in a ‘geometrical sounding’analogous to seismic refraction to determine the conductivity structure. Finally we examine the limitations on the accuracy of the frequency and time-domain VGS response imposed by natural signal levels and instrument sensitivity.

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