
The flowsheet proposed by KAPL for the treatment of alkaline nitrate radiochemical processing waste has been modified to include an ion-exchange step for the decontamination of cesium, strontium, and other cationic fission products. In laboratory studies of the electrolysis steps in a nitrate reduction cell, synthetic alkaline waste, 0.55 to 4.83 M total electrolyte, was decontaminated from ruthenium by factors of > 210. The nitrate of 3.0 M waste was reduced to ammonia with current efficiencies of 100%. Power consumption was 4.7 kwh/lb of nitrate reduced. Significant factors affecting the rate of ruthenium decontamination were temperature, cathode area, cathode current density, and electrolyte concentration. Those affecting nitrate reduction current efficiencies were the cathode current density, electrolyte concentration, and stirring rate. In an acid-base membrane cell, reusable nitric acid as well as sodium hydroxide was regenerated. However, such a cell is less economical to construct and operate than the nitrate reduction cell. At least 5 kwh of power is required to transfer 1 lb of nitrate from ORNL type waste. In addition, the greater complexity of the acid-base cell makes it less adaptable for remote control.

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