
The electrochemical surface transformations and diverse applications of a variety of metals and semiconductors in a wide range of fluoride media such as aqueous, non-aqueous media, liquid HF media, room temperature fluoride melts and molten fluoride media with a melting range covering 50–1000°C are reviewed. Nickel shows excellent corrosion resistance in the absence of water. The anodic performance of this metal in electrochemical perfluorination and NF3 production is discussed. Compact carbon materials serve as anodes in fluorine generators. In high temperature melts, they perform as consumable anodes. Graphitic carbon undergoes intercalation/de-intercalation process and related battery applications. Cu/CuF2 couple is a good reference electrode. Pt and vitreous carbon materials are the inert electrodes of choice for electro analytical applications. Electrodeposition of Lithium as a non-dendritic uniform phase is important in Lithium metal based secondary batteries. High temperature fluoride melts are used in electro-deposition of valve metals such as Nb, Ta, and Ti. The stability and decomposition of fluoride complexes in these media are of interest.

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