
THE aim of electrical engineers in France is to create a huge network of high-volt age transmission lines which will connect the generating stations with the great centres of consumption. The systems of transmission are being standardised. For the high-tension lines, 220 and 150 kilovolts are being used, and secondary pressures of 90 and 60 are employed. This compares with the 132 kilovolts used in the British Grid. A report issued by the Department of Overseas Trade on “Economic Conditions in France” by Sir Robert Cahill (London: H.M. Stationery Office, 7s. net) gives much instructive information on this subject. It is stated that the production and distribution of electricity in France provide employ ment for 150,000 workers. The yearly output has been estimated at about one twentieth of the total world output. There are 1,200 companies producing or distributing electricity, and the productive capacity of the stations increased very rapidly before the commercial depression and is still increasing. The output of the great thermal stations of the coal mining, metallurgical and industrial areas, north and east of Paris, and in the vicinity of Lyons, will form in a few year's time part of a comprehensive electrical supply system, so that any temporary breakdown in the supply from one station can be made good from the others. The output of the thermal is double that of the hydro-electric stations. There still remains about 60 per cent of the maximum possible water-power not utilised. The Rhine development scheme includes the erection of eight large power stations at intervals along the river. The first, which is already in operation, is at Kembs, about terr miles below Basle, and is equipped to produce nearly 200,000 kilowatts. The combined power of the eight stations will be 650,000 kilowatts. Various schemes have been proposed and stations built for utilising tidal power on the coast of Brittany, but so far none of them seems to have been commercially successful.

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