
Abstract The resistivity of a recently reported Y2Ba5Cu7Ox (Y257) polycrystalline, high-temperature superconductor has been characterized over temperature in the presence of magnetic field intensities in the 0–15 kOe range. The magnetoresistive behavior of Y257 has been analyzed to determine the functional dependence of the pinning energy, U, associated with the resistive transition. Within the temperature range of 0.60 T / T c 0.95 the Y257 resistivity data are consistent with the thermally activated flux creep model with the pinning energy following the temperature and magnetic field according to ( 1 − T / T c ) 2 H − 1 . The pinning energy in this temperature range was determined to be in the 0.0125–0.8151 eV range. Furthermore, application of the Mott variable range hopping model to account for the normal-state behavior of resistivity in Y257 is critically assessed.

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