
The complex electrical properties of natural pyroxenite weremeasured over a frequency range from 0.01 to 106 Hz, at3.0 GPa and 1266–1504 K, using the solid buffers (Mo–MoO2) tocontrol the oxygen fugacity. The frequency dependence ofelectrical properties for the natural pyroxenite is investigated. Twodistinct conduction mechanisms of the natural pyroxenite are observed:grain interior and grain boundary conduction. Grain interior transportcontrols the response above 100 Hz, whereas grain boundary transportdominates between ~100 and 0.01 Hz. Electrical response ofnatural pyroxenite is modelled with an equivalent circuit in whichparallel RC circuit elements representing grain interior and grainboundary responses act in series. The grain boundaries do not enhancethe total conductivity of natural pryoxenite. The total electricalconductivity of natural pyroxenite is lower than either grain interioror grain boundary conductivity alone.

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