
Excessive Joule heating of conventional rectangular mesa devices of the high-transition-temperature superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O leads to hot spots, in which the local temperature . Similar devices without hot spots are known to obey the ac-Josephson relation, emitting sub-terahertz (THz) waves at frequencies , where V is the applied dc voltage or electrostatic potential and N is the number of active junctions in the device. However, it often has been difficult to predict the emission f from the applied V for two reasons: N is generally unknown and therefore has been assumed to be a fitting parameter, and especially when hot spots are present, V could develop a spatial dependence that cannot be accurately determined using two-terminal measurements. To clarify the situation, simultaneous SiC microcrystalline photoluminescence measurements of , Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) measurements of f, and both two and four-terminal measurements of the local were performed. The present four-probe measurements provide strong evidence that when a constant V is measured within the device's superconducting region outside of the hot spot, the only requirement for the accuracy of the ac-Josephson relation is the ubiquitous adjustment of the fitting parameter N. The four-probe measurements demonstrate that the electric potential distribution is strongly non-uniform near to the hot spot, but is essentially uniform sufficiently far from it. As expected, the emission frequency follows the ac-Josephson relation correctly even for low bath temperatures at which the system jumps to inner IV characteristic branches with smaller N values, reconfirming the ac-Josephson effect as the primary mechanism for the sub-THz emission.

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