
To integrate semiconductor spintronics into current MOSFET technology, it is important to realize lateral spin transport in silicon and study it near the semiconductor/oxide interface as well as in bulk. Previously, lateral spin transport in silicon has been demonstrated over 1μm using a non-local detection geometry [1], and it has been carried out even over 2mm distance [2]. However, the former study showed only a very weak spin precession signal in so-called “Hanle effect” measurement, and the latter research has been done in a quasi-lateral geometry with a significant vertical component to the transport direction. In this study, we have realized true lateral spin transport in silicon using hot electron injection/detection techniques and demonstrated it with clear spin rotational signals in Hanle effect as well as spin valve measurements. Furthermore, we have investigated spin transport near the interface of silicon/silicon dioxide by applying a gate voltage. We observed broadening of the Hanle curve along with significant reduction of spin current polarization as electrons approach the interface.

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