
Abstract Transverse electroabsorption and electroreflectance spectra of As2S3 single crystals have been studied at low temperatures in the vicinity of the indirect and direct gaps and compared with the spectra of the isomorphic compound As2Se3. Although the general features of the spectra are the same in both materials, their dependence on the polarization of light and on the orientation of the field reveals significant differences which point to a reduced coupling in As2S3 of the chalcogen lone-pair p-states along the stacking axis b of the layers and along the a axis in the layer plane. Above 50 K, where the gap begins to decrease (dEg/dT = −0·4 meV K−1), the spectra broaden rapidly, probably due to the rising population of low-energy optical phonons (rigid-layer modes) which affect the fine splitting by interlayer coupling.

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