
%c study thc clast1c su1facc waves of systems fo11Tlcd by scm1-1nf1n1tc cub1c crystals %'1th over layers of cubic symmetry, having (001) free surfaces and interfaces, by using a Green's-function tcchlllqllc, foi' Rrbltl'Rl'y tlllckllcss RIld dllcctloil of propagatloll. Fol' 'tllc symmetry dlrcctlolls [100l and [110]in the limit of small thickness of the ovcrlaycrs, it is possib1c to obtain the dispersion relation of Rayleigh and Love rvaves in closed form, to first order in h~ (h is the thickness of the overlayer; v is the parallel wave vector). An application is made to the system formed by a layer of GR~All ~As on a GRAs substrate» and thc 1nAUencc of thc laycI composlt1on on thc d1spcI's1on Iclation of the elastic surface waves is discussed. Tllc sys'tcIlls formed by solid layci's 111 close I11ccllallical

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