
... The Terror by David Andress suggests a “destalinizing” current of the French Revolution, which could include the cultural studies of Robert Darnton and the integral stories of George Rude and Peter McPhee. This is an empirical turn opposed to that initiated by Alfred Cobban in 1950 and taken to its most brilliant expression by Francois Furet. That revisionism called for distrust of conclusions that compared of defensive Terror of the jacobins in the face of royal threats with stalinist purges. Instead this new revisionism revalues the “thesis of circumstances”, prioritizing the drama of the factual sequence after the King’s failed flight over the semiotic circuit Furet dominated by the Revolution.


  • Resumen El Terror..., de David Andress insinúa una corriente “desestalinizadora” de la Revolución francesa, dentro de la cual podrían incluirse los estudios culturales de Robert Darnton y las historias integrales de Peter McPhee y George Rudé

  • The Terror by David Andress suggests a “destalinizing” current of the French Revolution, which could include the cultural studies of Robert Darnton and the integral stories of George Rude and Peter McPhee

  • That revisionism called for distrust of conclusions that compared of defensive Terror of the jacobins in the face of royal threats with stalinist purges

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Resumen El Terror..., de David Andress insinúa una corriente “desestalinizadora” de la Revolución francesa, dentro de la cual podrían incluirse los estudios culturales de Robert Darnton y las historias integrales de Peter McPhee y George Rudé. El Terror de David Andress (2011) es una rigurosa historia narrativa de los hechos peor reputados de la Revolución francesa: aquellos a los que una versión de la historiografía “antitotalitaria” del siglo XX vinculó con la paranoia del estalinismo maduro.

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