
In 50 patients auditory threshold and brain stem evoked potential studies were carried out before and after myelography. Due to the analysis of amplitudes and latencies of auditory brain stem measurements, significant functional disorders of the hearing organ and the auditory pathway could be demonstrated. In most of the patients these functional disorders were found to be subclinical, whereas 12 patients showed alterations extending from a subjectively slight hearing loss to an audiometrically objectified acute hearing loss depending on its intensity in each case. The reasons of these functional disorders could not be clarified. An open cochlear aqueduct through which perilymph enters the subarachnoidal space leading to a secondary endolymphatic hydrops can be considered as the cause in cases where manifest symptoms develop. The changes in brain stem audiometry can be additionally explained by changes in osmolality of the inner ear fluids which may lead to the development of an endolymphatic hydrops.

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