
We investigate eigenstate thermalization from the point of view of vanishing particle and heat currents between a few-body fermionic Hamiltonian prepared in one of its eigenstates and an external, weakly coupled Fermi-Dirac gas. The latter acts as a thermometric probe, with its temperature and chemical potential set so that there is neither particle nor heat current between the two subsystems. We argue that the probe temperature can be attributed to the few-fermion eigenstate in the sense that (i) it varies smoothly with energy from eigenstate to eigenstate, (ii) it is equal to the temperature obtained from a thermodynamic relation in a wide energy range, (iii) it is independent of details of the coupling between the two systems in a finite parameter range, (iv) it satisfies the transitivity condition underlying the zeroth law of thermodynamics, and (v) it is consistent with Carnot's theorem. For the spinless fermion model considered here, these conditions are essentially independent of the interaction strength. When the latter is weak, however, orbital occupancies in the few-fermion system differ from the Fermi-Dirac distribution so that partial currents from or to the probe will eventually change its state. We find that (vi) above a certain critical interaction strength, orbital occupancies become close to the Fermi-Dirac distribution, leading to a true equilibrium between the few-fermion system and the probe. In that case, the coupling between the Fermi-Dirac gas and few-fermion system does not modify the state of the latter, which justifies our approach a posteriori. From these results, we conjecture that for few-body systems with sufficiently strong interaction, the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis is complemented by ensemble equivalence: individual many-body eigenstates define a microcanonical ensemble that is equivalent to a canonical ensemble with grand canonical orbital occupancies.

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