
We study small clusters of bosons, A = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, characterized by a resonant interaction. Firstly, we use a soft-gaussian interaction that reproduces the values of the dimer binding energy and the atom-atom scattering length obtained with LM2M2 potential, a widely used 4He-4He interaction. We change the intensity of the potential to explore the clusters’ spectra in different regions with large positive and large negative values of the two-body scattering length and we report the clusters’ energies on Efimov plot, which makes the scale invariance explicit. Secondly, we repeat our calculation adding a repulsive three-body force to reproduce the trimer binding energy. In all the region explored, we have found that these systems present two states, one deep and one shallow close to the A − 1 threshold, and scale invariance has been investigated for these states. The calculations are performed by means of Hyperspherical Harmonics basis set.

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