
Fishing communities are included in disadvantaged groups in terms of economic, social and cultural conditions. Fishermen's income is very dependent on natural conditions and weather which is uncertain and cannot be ascertained, so the role of fishermen's wives to improve the family economy is very much needed. Article 74 of Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies (UUPT) as the basis for implementing CSR principles in Indonesia which was followed up by the Government of Aceh by issuing Governor Regulation Number 65 of 2016 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Social and Environmental Responsibility that every private business entity is obliged to carry out CSR activities. The purpose of this study was to analyze the strengthening of the role of fishermen's wives to strengthen the family economy through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program on the coast of North Aceh. This study uses a sociological juridical approach, the data source consists of primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained by conducting field research in several sub-districts in North Aceh District. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews with the parties involved in this study. The results of the research show that the CSR program has not been carried out by the company as regulated in the laws and regulations. Programs that can be carried out by companies in strengthening the role of fishermen's wives are by conducting guidance or training to develop skills for fishermen's wives as a form of effort to support the fulfillment of the family economy. Training or guidance can be done for the business of making fish crackers. Guidance is carried out from the manufacturing stage to marketing. The training is carried out by bringing in a mentor from a successful entrepreneur who is experienced and has many awards, the company monitors and evaluates the development of the program. Suggestion: companies in North Aceh District to immediately run a CSR program to strengthen the role of coastal fishermen's wives in an effort to improve the family economy as stipulated in the legislation.

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