
Crude-sap of apple latent spherical virus (ALSV)-infected Chenopodium quinoa leaves was rub-inoculated on the expanded cotyledons of various Cucurbitaceae plants. Most of the species were systemically infected with the virus without obvious symptoms, except pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima). In pumpkin, the ALSV infection was restricted to inoculated cotyledons; it did not spread to the upper true leaves. In situ hybridization showed that the ALSV was confined to part of the cotyledon tissues and it did not invade the phloem tissue, when inoculated at the expanded cotyledon stage. However, when total RNAs from ALSV-infected C. quinoa leaves were inoculated into the cotyledons immediately after germination (folded cotyledon stage) using particle bombardment, ALSV efficiently caused systemic infection. Systemic infection of pumpkin seedlings occurred only when the cotyledons were inoculated within a few days after germination. No systemic infection was observed in the seedlings 4 days after germination. In the grafting test, ALSV was not transmitted from the infected rootstocks to the healthy scions of pumpkins. An efficient virus-induced gene silencing system for pumpkins was established, in which infection with ALSV vectors harboring the phytoene desaturase or sulfur gene fragments resulted in a uniform phenotype in the true leaves of pumpkin seedlings.

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