
ABSTRACT EVAPORATION losses from the shallow playas of the Southern High Plains can be reduced by storing the water in deep reservoirs with small surface areas. The reservoir storage is obtained most economically by con-structing a dike through the playa and diverting all runoff into the diked reservoir. For equal dike heights and reservoir areas, an efficient reservoir is obtained by maximizing the ratio of the reservoir area to the dike length. Optimality mathematics was used to maximize this ratio for sector, para-bolic and circular arc dikes within a flat-bottomed, circular playa. The maximum ratios for the three dike shapes were nearly equal; the sector dike reservoir was selected for field application because of its simplicity. Design data were developed for sector dike reservoirs covering from one-tenth to one-half of the playa bottom. The water stored per unit of earth excavated was much higher than for earlier playa modification models.

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