
Sub-Nyquist cyclic nonuniform sampling (CNUS) of a sparse multi-band signal generates a nonuniformly sampled signal. Assuming that the corresponding uniformly sampled signal satisfies the Nyquist sampling criterion, the sequence obtained via CNUS can be passed through a reconstructor to recover the missing uniform-grid samples. At present, these reconstructors have very high design and implementation complexity that offsets the gains obtained due to sub-Nyquist sampling. In this paper, we propose a scheme that reduces the design and implementation complexity of the reconstructor. In contrast to the existing reconstructors which use only a multi-channel synthesis filter bank (FB), the proposed reconstructor utilizes both analysis and synthesis FBs which makes it feasitble to achieve an order-of-magnitude reduction of the complexity. The analysis filters are implemented using polyphase networks whose branches are allpass filters with distinct fractional delays and phase shifts. In order to reduce both the design and the implementation complexity of the synthesis FB, the synthesis filters are implemented using a cosine-modulated FB. In addition to the reduced complexity of the reconstructor, the proposed multi-channel recovery scheme also supports online reconfigurability which is required in flexible (multi-mode) systems where the user subband locations vary with time.

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