
Abstract. JPEG2000, the new image coding standard, is more effi-cient when compared with the old JPEG standard. However, most ofthe computationsand memory usagein post-compressionrate distor-tion(PCRD)optimizationschemeinJPEG2000isredundant.Wepro-pose an efficient rate control approach for the JPEG2000 encoder. Inthis approach, optimal rate distortion (RD) slope threshold is selectedusing the minimum RD slope of lower level horizontally and verticallylow pass (LL 0 ) subband of the wavelet decomposed image. Also, thepasses of the code blocks of other subbands, whose RD slopes areless than the optimal RD slope, are skipped. The proposed approachreduces memory requirements and encoding time when comparedwith the existing rate control approaches for JPEG2000 standard,and also provides the same image quality as that of the PCRDapproach used in the JPEG2000 standard. © 2012 SPIE andIS&T. [DOI: 10.1117/1.JEI.21.3.033004] 1 IntroductionJPEG2000 is the new state-of-art image and video codingstandard. It has excellent coding performance and novel fea-tures such as superior low-bit rate compression performance,lossless and lossy compression, progressive transmission,region of interest coding, error resilience and randomcode stream access, and so on.

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