
Recombinant Sendai virus vectors (SeVV) have become an attractive tool for basic virological as well as for gene transfer studies. However, to (i) reduce the cellular injury induced by basic recombinant SeV vectors (encoding all six SeV genes as being present in SeV wild-type (wt) genomes) and to (ii) improve SeV vector safety, deletions of viral genes are necessary for the construction of superior SeVV generations. As a strong expression system recombinant replication-incompetent adenoviruses, coding for SeV proteins hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN), fusion (F), or matrix (M), were generated and successfully employed for the propagation of single gene deleted (ΔHN, ΔF, ΔM) recombinant SeVV. Further investigations of the propagation procedures required for single gene deleted recombinant SeVV demonstrated (i) modifications of the cell culture medium composition as well as (ii) incubation with vitamin E as crucial steps for the enhancement of SeVV–ΔHN, –ΔF, or –ΔM viral particle yield. Such optimized propagation procedures even led to a successful propagation of HN-deleted viral particles (SeVV–ΔHN), which has not been reported before.

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