
Objective: To investigate the antitumor effect of the IL-6 gene-modified erythroleukemia cells combined with low dose cyclophosphamide (Cy) and low dose IL-2. Methods: Mice inoculated with FBL-3-IL-6 in combination with low dose IL-2 and low dose cyclophosphamide (Cy). Results: Mice received combined therapy of FBL-3-IL-6, IL-2 and Cy developed tumors most slowly and survived much longer when compared with mice in control groups, with 5 out of 8 leukemia-bearing mice being tumor free 100 days after the combined treatment. To further explain the mechanism of the antitumor effects by the combined therapy. It was found that combined therapy with low dose Cy, low dose IL-2 and FBL-3-IL-6 achieved maximal cytotoxic effects of nature killer cells and specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes, increased production IL-2, TNF and GM-CSF from spleen lymphocytes in tumor-bearing mice. Vaccination with the FBL3-IL-6 also enhanced the cytotoxic activity of the peritoneal macrophages. The results demonstrated that administration of low dose Cy and low dose IL-2 in combination with IL-6 genemodified leukemia vaccine could elicit potent antileukemia effects, and the mechanisms involved in the antitumor process may include the induction of specific and nonspecific antitumor immunity, reversal of T suppressor cells that mediated local immuno-suppression in tumor bearing mice. Conclusion: The combined therapy with cytokine gene-modified tumor vaccine, low dose of Cy and IL-2 might be a promising approach for the treatment of leukemia.

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