
On the basis of study of pathomorphological changes in the skin effectiveness of collagenogenesis was determined as a result of setting of resorbing and permanent implants. The studies were performed on 30 mature albino male rats of the "Vistar" line weighing 100-130 g. Experimental animals were divided into 2 groups depending on the type of implanted threads. The rats of all groups (14, 30 and 90 days) were divided into 3 subgroups each of them consisting of 10 individuals. For all 10 rats of each subgroup, the same type of suture material was implanted. The following Aptos threads were used during the experiment: Light Lift Spring (LLS) та Light Lift Thread (LLT). Light Lift series (Light Lift Spring – LLS –long thread-spring, Light Lift Thread – LLT – thread with notches soldered with needle, 50% caprolactone + 50% polylactic acid, biodegradation time 365 days) made from caprolactone, which is a biosynthetic material. The resorption of the thread occurs during the year, and the effect of its use persists up to 2 years. It was applied mainly in patients under the age of 40 who had an initial stage of ovate of the face. The specified threads contain in their composition L-isomer of lactic acid possessing revitalizing properties and slowing down the aging process. All the animals were kept in the vivarium of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University; experiments were conducted in accordance with the provisions of the European Convention for the protection of vertebrate animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes (Strasbourg, 1986), Council Directive 86/609/EEC (1986), Law of Ukraine No. 3445-IV "On the Protection of Animals from Cruelty". The animals were removed from the experiment by overdose of ether anesthesia (5-7 min. exposure) on the 14th, 30th and 90th days of the experiment. Fragments of skin with subcutaneous adipose tissue from the back area [1] were used for the morphological study. Paraffin blocks were made from each fragment; histologic staining by routine method and Malory histochemical staining were performed. During study of morphological changes in the per-implant zone, it was found that in all the groups of experimental rats, on different chronological stages collagen with different biodegradation time and in different quantities is formed. Dependence between the type of implantation thread (structure) and stimulation of collagenogenesis has been established. Conclusions. 1. While studying morphological changes in the per-implant zone, it was found that in all the groups of experimental rats, collagen with different term of biodegradation and in different quantities on various chronological stages is formed. 2. It was established that collagenogenesis is stimulated unevenly, depending on the type of implantation thread (chemical composition and structure). 3. On the 90th day of the experiment, the resorbing thread did not completely degrade, which does not contradict the information provided by the manufacturer about the period of disintegration (365 days), and the expediency of using these cosmetic threads in aesthetic dermatology for the purpose of prolonged lifting skin correction. 4. The specificity of the structure of implant threads, namely the form of a spring (LLS), as a provocative factor for long-term alteration, causes long-term inflammatory response in tissues (90th day of the experiment).

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