
The aim of the paper is an exhaustive overview of Italian LPA's efficiency and its growth during the years, a ranking have been made to reassume the survey's results.Globalisation has generated remarkable effects on the public administration (PAs). Today, PAs play a decisive role in urban redevelopment and transformation. Since public administrators are the decision-makers and project-planners, they influence project feasibility from many viewpoints (architectural, environmental, economic-financial).In such a competitive system, typical of the global market, the aspects related to efficiency of Public Administrations’ licence-issuing procedures plays a key role for the realization of a property investment. The Paper deals with this topic by showing a survey's results which - since 2008 -involved the main Italian Local Public Administration and which analyzed processes and actions put in place to promote the attraction of real estate investments.The research work was based on the answers to a questionnaire administered to 110 Italian Municipal Authorities that govern a chief town of a province. These cities have homogeneous features, they are comparable and representative of the wide scenario of local administrative bodies ruling this specific industry in Italy.The survey analysed the town-planning and building procedures implemented in the largest Italian Municipalities, and it studied the issue of the efficiency of permit-granting procedures by analyzing:the time requirement and the method applied to issue town-planning and building permits;the charges for primary and secondary urbanization works;the monetization of standards;the possibility to retrieve the necessary documents to define a project (web site, paper documentation, digilt tables, etc.)The survey studied two different aspects that influence the real estate development process:town planning;building activities.The survey results point to both positive indicators and some negative aspects which local public administration authorities need to overcome in order to re-launch Italy in the field of competitive global tourism.

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