
AbstractEfficiency is a critical antenna parameter that describes how well an antenna emits and accepts electromagnetic signals. When an antenna has poor efficiency, the input power is only partially radiated and is primarily wasted due to internal losses such as conduction, dielectric, mismatching, and several other losses within the antenna. In order to enhance signal quality, a communication system requires an antenna with high efficiency and gain. The fifth‐generation wireless system will use millimeter wave spectrum along with sub 1 GHz and sub 6 GHz bands to fulfill wide bandwidth, ultra‐high‐speed, and low latency requirements of 5G communication. Compact low‐profile antenna with high radiation efficiency, high gain, and wideband characteristics are required to support bandwidth requirements of 5G and mitigate the signal degradation due to high link losses caused by environmental absorptions at the millimeter‐wave (mm‐wave) spectrum. Compact planar antennas have become an important part of modern wireless communication equipment, but these antennas are associated with many issues like low efficiency, poor gain, small radiation resistance, and high cross‐polarization, which is due to the increased conductor and dielectric losses, surface wave losses and so forth. Various techniques need to be employed for the improvement of the efficiency of the antenna, which results in high gain low loss antenna characteristics. This article presents the survey of various efficiency enhancement techniques for 5G antennas and a review of structures that provides good radiation efficiency for 5G communications.

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