
The environmental pollutions are one of the major problems in the world and the decrease of Agro-Chemicals pollutions like chemical nutrition and hormones and pesticides are very important for human health and environmental balances. Utilizing of certain biocontrol agents against plant pests are one of our targets in decreasing environmental pollutions. The efficacy of Trichoderma species in control of reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis) and root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) were studied in vitro and under greenhouse conditions. The effect of Trichoderma harazianum, T. viride, T. koningii, T. reesei and T. hamatum culture filtrate in controlling reniform nematode and root-knot nematode was studied in vitro in 14 cm Petri-dish during one week exposure and under greenhouse conditions on one month eggplant cv black beauty seedlings in 12 cm plastic pots containing 1 kg sandy loam (1:1 V/V) soil. All culture filtrate of the Trichoderma species was highly significant in controlling both nematode genera on eggplant. Trichoderma harazianum, T. hamatum and T. koningii culture filtrates gave a significant reduction (p ≤ 0.01) in vitro and decreased the female and egg-masses of reniform and root-knot nematodes. Trichoderma species led to inhibition of the nematode activity and movements in vitro during one week exposure. Trichoderma culture filtrate was more significant on root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) egg than on larvae. It can be summarized that the role of Trichoderma controls both nematode genera by a direct effect on toxic metabolites and inhibits nematode penetration and developments.

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