
In many countries, endovenous ablation (EVA) has replaced surgical stripping as the preferred method of eliminating saphenous reflux in symptomatic patients. Studies have examined the success of EVA at saphenous closure and improving leg pain and edema. However, less information is available on the ability of these techniques to promote venous leg ulcer healing or to prevent recurrence. The comparison of surgery and compression with compression alone in chronic venous ulceration (ESCHAR) trial identified the role of saphenous stripping in reducing the rate of ulcer recurrence after healing, supporting this procedure for Clinical, Etiologic, Anatomic, and Pathologic (CEAP) clinical class 5 and 6 patients. In patients with venous ulcers, it remains controversial whether EVA procedures provide results similar to those of saphenous stripping in clinically relevant outcomes. This review examines the evidence supporting the use of thermal or nonthermal EVA in patients with healed or active venous ulcers and saphenous insufficiency.

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