
Phytophthora root rot, caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands, is one of the major diseases of flowering dogwood (Cornus florida L.). The severity of root rot disease increases when the plants are exposed to flooding conditions. A study was conducted to determine the efficacy and timing of application of different fungicides, biofungicides, host-plant defense inducers, and fertilizer to manage Phytophthora root rot in month-old seedlings in simulated flooding events for 1, 3, and 7 days. Preventative treatments were drench applied 3 weeks and 1 week before flooding whereas curative treatments were applied 24 h after flooding. Dogwood seedlings were inoculated with P. cinnamomi 3 days before the flooding. Plant height and width were recorded at the beginning and end of the study. At the end of the study, plant total weight and root weight were recorded and disease severity in the root was assessed using a scale of 0 to 100%. Root samples were plated using PARPH-V8 medium to determine the percent recovery of the pathogen. Empress Intrinsic, Pageant Intrinsic, Segovis, and Subdue MAXX, as preventative and curative applications, were able to suppress the disease severity compared with the inoculated control in all flooding durations. All treatments, with the exception of Stargus as a preventative application 3 weeks before flooding and Orkestra Intrinsic as a curative application, were able to suppress the disease severity compared with the inoculated control for a 1-day flooding event. Aliette and ON-Gard were effective in the first trial when applied preventatively at both 1 week and 3 weeks before flooding but not in the second trial. Signature Xtra was effective as a preventative application but not as a curative application. Interface was effective as a curative application but not as a preventative application. The findings of this study will help nursery growers to understand the performance of fungicides, biofungicides, host-plant defense inducers, and fertilizer at different time intervals and repeated applications to manage Phytophthora root rot in flooding conditions.

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