
The effect of Zn substitution on the superconducting transition temperature,Tc, was investigatedfor the La2−xSrxCu1−yZnyO4 (Zn-LSCO) compounds over a wide range of hole concentrations,p (), and Zn content (y) in the CuO2 plane. A Zn-induced rate of suppression ofTc,dTc(p)/dy, was found tobe strongly p-dependent and showed a systematic variation with hole concentration, except in the vicinity ofp∼0.12, i.e. nearthe so-called 1/8th anomaly where the charge/spin stripe correlations are at their strongest inLa2−xSrxCuO4.Near p∼0.12, the static striped charge ordering is widely believed to dominate theT–p phasediagram. dTc(p)/dy decreased strongly around this hole concentration i.e. Zn became less effective in degradingTc near p∼0.12. This observation is indicative of an intricate and competing interplay among thesuperconducting, pseudogap, and stripe correlations in Zn substituted LSCO.

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